Running from July 16 to September 25 at the Downtown Sarasota campus, our summer exhibition, Flora Imaginaria: The Flower in Contemporary Photography, will feature a spectacular bouquet of flower imagery drawn from many different genres of photography, produced over the past three decades (1990–2020).
The photographs in the show will highlight the beauty and diversity of flowers, which have long been appreciated aesthetically for their colors and forms, as well as for their decorative potential and symbolic power. More than 70 prints by some 50 photographers from around the globe will be featured. Their varied work will be displayed both inside, in the Museum of Botany & the Arts, and outside in the Gardens, providing visitors a unique encounter with art in the context of nature. Many of the images to be seen here have never previously been featured in a major exhibition.
The innovative indoor/outdoor approach to the show was co-developed by Selby Gardens in partnership with the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography (FEP), an independent nonprofit organization that produces museum-quality photography exhibitions circulated around the world. The show is curated by William Ewing and Danaé Panchaud, an experienced international team of photography experts, working under the direction of Todd Brandow, who founded the FEP in 2003.
This exhibition has been co-organized by the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, Minneapolis/Paris/Lausanne, and Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.
Flora Imaginaria: The Flower in Contemporary Photography is sponsored by Isabel A. Becker.
Flora Imaginaria: The Flower in Contemporary Photography
July 16, 2021 – September 25, 2022
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
Downtown Sarasota campus, Sarasota, FL