Amir H. Fallah
Joy As An Act Of Resistance

04.02.2022 - 06.04.2022



3 Minute Exhibition Walkthrough
Voice-over by Katie Alice Fitz Gerald, Partner in Hong Kong

Denny Dimin Gallery is pleased to announce Joy As An Act of Resistance, a solo exhibition by Amir H. Fallah in Hong Kong.

Fallah is known for exploring portraiture and the representation of identity through his painting, murals, sculpture and installation. His esoteric portraits, where the physical characteristics of his subjects are often masked, hidden or generally absent, offer vignettes into their world; ornate with depicted objects and patterns. Alongside the stories they offer of their subjects, Fallah’s paintings act as historical cultural catalogues of imagery assimilated from a variety of global references; tumblr, museum collections, fashion magazines and reconstitutes them into visual plays, creating modern day parables.

In this latest exhibition, Fallah looks to address the psychological fatigue caused by the ongoing pandemic where the onset of challenging and often bleak information is relentless. The title ‘Joy As An Act of Resistance’ comes from one of the works in the exhibition depicting a classical female, Art Nouveau, figure clad in furs and laden with boxes indicating a shopping spree. The work unwittingly references the term ‘revenge shopping’, which was coined in 2021 from its original phrasing in Chinese as the desire and rush to make up for lost spending following China’s initial lockdown back in 2020. For Fallah, inviting joy as an act of revenge comes in more gentle political acts of resistance – the use of creativity, art and nature to engender joy against the waves of pessimism and misfortune that continue to befall the world. In another work, titled ‘You and Your Gun’, Fallah confronts a different political approach to current times. The image, this time taken from an vintage copy of Japanese Vogue, the female figure casually applies lipstick as a scene of violence and protest takes place alongside her, drawing upon the lack of agency felt by populations worldwide who are stymied by ineffective politics. In this new body of work, Fallah moves even further to deconstruct the portrait – holding up a mirror where the viewer has the opportunity to see themselves as the subject navigating this new uncharted frontier of living whilst finding joy in nostalgia, indulgence and simple pleasures. Joy can be an act of resistance.


Denny Dimin Gallery, Hong Kong is located at No. 612 Remex Center. No. 42 Wong Chuk Hang Road. Hong Kong. The exhibition will be open Wednesday to Saturday, 12 to 6 pm.


丹尼迪明画廊荣幸的宣布将为杰出青年艺术家Amir H. Fallah举办他在香港地区的个人艺术展览。


在这次最新的展览中,Fallah试图解决由于当前疫情带来的各方面挑战和令人沮丧的情绪,和因此而造成的社会严重的心理疲劳问题。展览的主题《快乐是一种抵抗行为》来自于展览中的一件作品,作品描绘了新艺术运动(Art Nouveau)中经典的女性形象:穿着皮草的精致女人和抱的满怀表示疯狂扫货的购物袋。这件作品暗喻在2021年产生的“报复性消费”。最初汉语对这个词语的定义是“中国人渴望并急于弥补2020年因为疫情封锁而损失的消费机会”。 对Fallah来说将快乐作为抵抗行为,对应的是一种温和的政治不满;更像是运用创造力、艺术和自然创造欢乐,以此来对抗不断降临在这个世界上的悲剧、伤痛和不幸。在另一部名为《你和你的枪》的作品中,Fallah面对的是与当前时代不同的政治策略。这张照片是日本时尚杂志(Vogue)的旧照,图片中的女性形象随意地涂抹着艳丽的口红,同时暴力和抵抗在她的身边发生。这幅作品意在表达当时政府的无能领导导致了全国民众缺乏政治能动性。Fallah在这幅作品中进一步地拆解剖析人物肖像:举起一面镜子,让观众体会自己仿佛是那个探索和领导未知生活的主体,同时在怀旧、放纵和简单的知足中找到快乐。从而更深层次地渲染了快乐是一种抵抗行为的主题。


丹尼迪明画廊香港展厅位于No. 612 Remex Center. No. 42 Wong Chuk Hang Road. Hong Kong。 香港画廊艺术品销售和媒体资讯请发邮件至:[email protected]



04.02.22 Virtual Reception | 12-6 pm HKT |

Join us on Zoom for a video walkthrough and chat with the gallery. Hosted by Hong Kong Art Gallery Association (HKAGA). Zoom Link.

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