Erin O’Keefe: Perspective, Light, Color
September 9, 2015
Photographer Erin O’Keefe is fascinated by the way the camera “translates a three-dimensional subject into two-dimensional image.” A licensed architect who made sculptures before she devoted herself to photography about five years ago, O’Keefe composes the elements in her still lifes in a way that confuses perspective. Images in her newest series, “Things as They Are,” opening tonight at Denny Gallery in New York, are elegantly simple: They are composed using only Plexiglas sheets, three boards, and two dowels. The series title seems ironic. Viewers may ask: Are these things what they seem?
At Denny Gallery, O’Keefe, who was selected for PDN’s 30 2015, will also be showing some images from her “Natural Disasters” series, in which she combined tape, mirrors and photos in tiny sets that sometimes appear to be on the verge of collapse. The exhibition is on view at Denny Gallery through October 11.