Russell Tyler’s Radiant Fields in the Brooklyn Rail

06/04/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Brooklyn Rail. RUSSELL TYLER: Radiant Fields By Jason Stopa, June 3, 2015 DENNY GALLERY | MAY 3 – JUNE 14, 2015 Russell Tyler’s solo show, Radiant Fields, effectively combines three major painterly characterizations of space: the cinematic, the theatrical, and the digital, with surprising result. A brief look at contemporary abstraction reveals similar, but varied, interests. Painters likeade Guyton and Avery Singer reflect the digital impulse. Both artists, to varying degrees, are dedicated to mimicking image-making software techniques and their capacity to flatten and compress information. The…Read More

Interview with Lauren Seiden on Artspace

05/20/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Artspace. Meet the Artist Drawing Without Fear: Lauren Seiden on Radically Reshaping the Work on Paper By Dylan Kerr, May 19, 2015 For the past several years, the born-and-bred New York artist Lauren Seiden has been quietly updating one of the most fundamental artistic mediums: graphite (i.e. pencil) on paper. More akin to wall-mounted sculptures than the term “works on paper” may initially suggest, Seiden’s pieces appear at first glance to be welded out of sheets of metal…Read More

Interview of Jordan Tate by Elizabeth Denny

04/17/2015 | By DennyGallery

Jordan Tate was born in 1981 in Kentucky and lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he is an Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Cincinnati. His work is based in ongoing research concerning the visual and conceptual processes of image comprehension, and as such, has mostly been photographic. His work is deeply inquisitive about the ontology and transparency of the photograph in a post-digital, image-literate age. Tate has a Bachelor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies from Miami University and…Read More

Artforum highlights Brent Birnbaum’s SPRING/BREAK installation

03/20/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Artforum.  By Linda Yablonsky, March 6, 2015 Spring Forward WE HAD SOHO. We had the East Village. We have Chelsea and Williamsburg, Bushwick and Red Hook. What will become New York’s next art neighborhood? “I guess all of these artists live in the Bronx?” the actor Alan Alda surmised on Monday, during the cocktail hour for the Bronx Museum of Art’s annual benefit gala. We were far south of that borough, on the outer planet of the Conrad…Read More

Vernissage TV interviews Brent Birnbaum at SPRING/BREAK

03/19/2015 | By DennyGallery

Watch on Vernissage TV. Interview with Brent Birnbaum at Spring/Break Art Show 2015 By Enrico, March 13, 2015 For the fourth edition of the curator-driven art show Spring/Break in New York, Elizabeth Denny and Craig Poor Monteith have chosen to present the New York-based artist Brent Birnbaum. Birnbaum has created a mountain of eleven running treadmills. The belts were painted by the artist with color gradients, thus creating a kinetic work that combines sculpture with moving paintings. In this video,…Read More

Interview with Brent Birnbaum in the Huffington Post

03/19/2015 | By DennyGallery

Watch on Huffington Post. March 13, 2015 Artist Brent Birnbaum’s Mountain of Painted Treadmills (VIDEO) For the fourth edition of the curator-driven art show Spring/Break in New York, Elizabeth Denny and Craig Poor Monteith have chosen to present the New York-based artist Brent Birnbaum. Birnbaum has created a mountain of eleven running treadmills. The belts were painted by the artist with color gradients, thus creating a kinetic work that combines sculpture with moving paintings. In this video, Brent Birnbaum talks…Read More

Nadja Frank’s show with Grayson Cox featured in the New York Times Blog

03/12/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on T’s. Multimedia Works That Explore the State of Nature  By Nadia Vellam, March 12, 2015 In this weekly series, T’s photo editors share the most compelling visual projects they’ve discovered. Robert Heinecken famously said about his photography that it is “not a picture of, but an object about something.” For the artist Nadja Frank, her practice — which combines photography, silkscreening and sculpture — creates a larger conversation about the human desire not only to record experience, but…Read More

Hyperallergic Spotlights Brent Birnbaum and Amanda Valdez in SPRING/BREAK

03/06/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Hyperallergic.  By Allison Meier, March 4, 2015 Jam-Packed Spring/Break Art Show Pulls into Moynihan Station Brent Birnbaum’s installation of painted treadmills, curated by Elizabeth Denny & Craig Poor Monteith at the 2015 Spring/Break Art Show (all photos by the author for Hyperallergic) In its fourth year, Spring/Break Art Show is temporarily transforming the disused offices of Moynihan Station into an art fair based on the theme of “transaction.” With more than 80 curators and over 100 artists, it’s more a series…Read More

Brent Birnbaum’s SPRING/BREAK Installation on artnet News

03/06/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on artnet News. By Cait Munro, March 4, 2015 Spring/Break Art Fair Is Bigger, Flashier, and Scrappier Than Ever Spring/Break Art Show, the curator-driven art fair begun by Ambre Kelly and Andrew Gori in 2009, is back and better than ever, despite a location change. With a whopping 95 curators (up from last year’s 39—see Spring/Break Probes Deep Into Our Techno-Creepy Culture), the fair, which opens today, March 4, and runs through Sunday, March 8, has secured Moynihan Station as its…Read More

Brent Birnbaum’s Untitled Installation in SPRING/BREAK Highlighted in Cool Hunting

03/06/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Cool Hunting. By David Graver, March 3, 2015 Coinciding with NYC’s Armory Arts Week, the fourth annual SPRING/BREAK Art Show offers an immersive world of large-scale artistic creation. Taking over floors at Manhattan’s historic James A Farley Post Office, the fair delivers room after room of eccentric art—all driven by specific curators assigned to each space. This year’s theme happens to be “Transaction” and an element of the word, and its interpretations, grace most of what attendees will…Read More

Upcoming exhibition: Jordan Tate, Working From Photographs, March 15 – April 26

03/01/2015 | By DennyGallery

Denny Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of new work by Jordan Tate, Working From Photographs, running from March 15 to April 26, 2015. This is the artist’s second solo exhibition with the gallery. Working From Photographs is a body of work of sculpture, photography, and a virtual reality environment, dealing with images of the Levant (the Middle East) from 2000 BCE to 0 and the Americas from 400 to 1400 CE. While these locations and time periods are…Read More

Liz Nielsen’s Wolf Moon Review by Beautiful/Decay

03/01/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Beautiful/Decay.  Liz Nielsen Uses New Photographic Technique To Create Striking Abstract Images By Genista, February 25, 2015 These images may look like simple abstract paintings, or cut out pieces of cardboard collaged on top of each other, but they are anything but. They are actually a product of one of the most avant-garde photographic processes being used today. Brooklyn artist Liz Nielsen‘s current exhibition Wolf Moon is an eloquent display of a very strange technique. She places different objects and shapes cut…Read More

Liz Nielsen’s Wolf Moon Review by Collector Daily

03/01/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Collector Daily. Liz Nielsen, Wolf Moon @Denny By Loring Knoblauch, February 11, 2015 JTF (just the facts): A total of 20 color photographs, framed in white and unmatted, and hung against white walls in the main gallery space and the smaller back room. All of the works are unique chromogenic prints, made in 2013 and 2014. Physical sizes are either 10×8, 20×20, 24×20, 30×30, 40×40, or 50×40 (or reverse). (Installation shots below.) Editor’s Note: Liz Nielsen has two concurrent gallery shows…Read More

Sean Fader in Plastiglass Journal by Annie Shepard

01/16/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Plastiglass Journal. “There’s a whole lot of authorship going on” Sean Fader X Richard Prince By Annie Shepard, December 31, 2014 Picasso famously said “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” But in the age of the re-tweet and the re-gram, is sharing the same as stealing? How has social media changed our sense of authorship? Sean Fader and Richard Prince’s tiff over an Instagram photo illuminates new ways of thinking about these issues.   #Wishingpelt It all began…Read More

Share This! Reviewed by Momus

01/09/2015 | By DennyGallery

Querying the New Appropriation Art: Is this Cynicism? By Joseph Henry, January 8, 2015 Michael Mandiberg, “After Sherri Levine,” 2001. The Denny Gallery may have given themselves a curatorial headache with the title of their current exhibition, Share This! Appropriation After Cynicism. There are more tricky connections and presumptions in that moniker alone than in the web mantras and second-person addresses that typically sign most contemporary shows. To begin, the title suggests there was an appropriation art of cynicism. To…Read More

Irena Jurek on Matthew Craven (Share This!)

01/09/2015 | By DennyGallery

Read on Matthew Craven The content of Matt’s drawings and collages address an intricate web of interrelated ideas. Alternating between using his hand and found images, Matt delves into the way we construct meaning and belief, our conflicting longing for permanence in a temporary world, as well as the inexplicable complexity of our existence itself. Working on the backs of vintage movie posters, and cutting out photographs from old textbooks, imbues Matt’s work with an awareness of time. There’s…Read More

Lauren Seiden Highlighted at UNTITLED. by Blouin Artinfo

12/05/2014 | By DennyGallery

Read on Blouin Artinfo December 3, 2014 Afros, Abstraction, and Photographic Experimentation at Untitled By Scott Indrisek MIAMI BEACH — Untitled pitches its tent on the South Beach sand from December 3 through 7, bringing a roster of galleries that, while admittedly a bit heavy on New York representation, also includes venues from Helsinki, Mexico City, Bogota, and beyond. Despite lacking the flash and big-dollar bluster of Art Basel Miami Beach — one of Untitled’s advertising partners during Tuesday morning’s…Read More

Elizabeth Denny Asked for Gallery Advice by Of a KIND

11/28/2014 | By DennyGallery

Read on Of a Kind. November 18, 2014 6 NYC Art Galleries Wannabe Collectors Have to Know About By Erica 11/18/2014 Elizabeth’s fly, LES gallery—more on her here! If you’re on this site, then you know a thing or two about finding the coolest up-and-coming designers. But how about artists? Where do you go to get in-the-know on that front? We asked the plugged-in, super-approachable gallerist Elizabeth Denny to help make it easier on us, and she boiled it down to this:…Read More

Whitewall lists Rock Shop III as a “November Show to Know”

11/06/2014 | By DennyGallery

Read on Whitewall Jason Stopa / November 3, 2014 NOVEMBER SHOWS TO KNOW Our November listings reach back in time with a close look at two international surveys. First up is Imi Knoebel with 48 years of work on view at the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany. In London, the the seminal conceptual group, Art & Lanugage, revisits Lisson Gallery for the first time in 40 years. Meanwhile in the U.S., several galleries have hung markedly interesting solo shows right before the…Read More

Nadja Frank’s Rock Shop III Reviewed in Bedford + Bowery

10/31/2014 | By DennyGallery

Read on Bedford + Bowery By Nikkitha Bakshani / October 28, 2014 A Traveling Artist Wants You to Meet Her Pet Rocks Despite the name of the exhibit now up at Denny Gallery, Rock Shop III is less shop and more laboratory: large images of rocks surround receptacles in which salt chemically reacts to pigment, resin, or steel with the aid of sunlight pouring through the gallery windows. In one tank, the salt resembles gold dunes. “I have a scientific,…Read More

Lauren Seiden Named 10 of NYC’s Most Amazing Female Artists by Refinery29

10/24/2014 | By DennyGallery

Read on Refinery29 By Emily Singer / October 22,2014 It’s officially art fair season, with the 12th edition of Frieze London taking place last week, and exhibitions rolling out in cities ranging from Toronto to Dubai over the next few months, culminating in the big art fest-slash-cultural who’s-who-slash-party that is Art Basel Miami Beach in December. That makes it a great time for emerging artists to get their work in front of new audiences — and for you to discover…Read More